Seek the Kingdom

Experience Abundant Life

Biblical guidance, encouragement, and community to supercharge your faith in Christ.

Are you ready to become a
100X Christian?

Jesus said in Matthew 13:8, ”Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold (100X), some sixty, some thirty.”

Some believers are highly fruitful while others are not. The fruit that God creates in our life is connected to the time we spend with God in His Word and in prayer (John 15:3).

Do you struggle to read and study God’s Word on a daily basis? Have you ever wanted to read the Bible in a year but haven’t been able to finish? Are you tired of being spiritually empty and drowning in the trials of life?

This site is dedicated to helping you change all that. God has given me a burning passion to train believers to become a 100X Christian so that you can experience what Jesus spoke about in John 10:10b:

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly

Wrestle with the Word Blog