Meet Ron Mifflin

Ron Mifflin is a man who has learned to walk by faith by going through the fire of life. After being born again by the Lord Jesus Christ in 2007, he prayed and asked God to grow his faith no matter what the cost. Not knowing what this would cost him, he was stripped of almost everything. 

He suffered from debilitating chronic pain, musculo-skeletal disorders, depression, and anxiety. He lost his career in the military, was unable to maintain civilian employment, and almost went bankrupt. He struggled with isolation as a chronically ill stay at home dad with his three sons. During the 15 difficult years of being in the iron furnace, He clung to God for his life. 

While in the fiery trials, the Lord was gracious to teach Ron how to live by faith. Ron dedicated his days to studying the Bible, praying, memorizing scripture, and training his sons in the Word. Even though he was stripped of so much, God gave him one thing in return: a purified faith in God.

The Lord led him to start 100X Christians to encourage and equip the believers to become highly fruitful Christians. Ron teaches and trains believers to have their lives fixed in the Word to experience the overflowing abundance that God has for us.

Ron loves to spend time with his wife, his three sons, with friends, and with nature. He also loves to spend time with God and to go on adventures as the Lord leads.